
È uno spettacolo sorprendente: nella più grande fattoria di coccodrilli del Mediterraneo, 400 coccodrilli del Nilo si evolvono in un ambiente che si riconnette con le profondità sahariane e africane del Paese, tra papiri, palme e banani. Oziano al sole negli stagni e nella serra tropicale prima di divertirsi e lottare per il cibo. Un vero e proprio cambio di scenario.

Un imponente forte che evoca l'architettura del deserto segna l'ingresso al parco faunistico. È al suono della musica africana che ci lasciamo guidare verso le piscine e la serra tropicale dove nuotano – o meglio oziano al sole – 400 coccodrilli del Nilo, portati dal Madagascar. Il coccodrillo del Nilo è una delle specie di coccodrilli più grandi, può raggiungere, per alcuni maschi, fino a 7 metri e pesare quasi una tonnellata. La sua morfologia lo rende una delle specie più formidabili.


Recensioni di Google

Recensioni di 3.510
  • Shell T
    Shell T
    2 mesi fa

    This was a fantastic day here, on entering it was so clean and very beautiful. There is some shops and cafes. The museum was very nice filled with history and exhibitions of all kinds of items, for people that do not understand the french language it is a little more difficult for them to translate, I did not have this problem. The 2nd part was seeing the different building that tunisian people live in and how they do the wool and weaving. There was a beautiful camel and showing how they use the camel to bring the water up from the well. The cafe before the crocodiles was were good and by the side was a little shop, just inside hanging up is a skeleton of a crocodile slight niggle this shop to me was very expensive. There was some very large tortoises, lizards and of course the magnificent crocodiles and truly they are some really massive ones. The settings for the animals was really good. They looked very contented and extremely well fed. At the end you could hold a baby crocodile I didn't do this as the queue was very big and I thought the baby crocodile might be a little stressed. Overall a very very good trip highly recommend.

  • Sabrina Wilson
    Sabrina Wilson
    3 mesi fa

    The main focus being the crocodiles, but they do have a few other reptiles as well. For the cost I would say it's worth it, there is a ship and cafe and the park is quite large considering. You can also have the chance to see a baby croc feeding, which is great.

  • Harry Robertson
    Harry Robertson
    2 mesi fa

    Had a great time! But be careful that google maps does not lead you around the back down the sand path! We got stuck and couldn’t get to the crocodile farm (ended up going the next day)

  • Mohammed Yousef
    Mohammed Yousef
    un anno fa

    So much fun to be had with the family. The alligators are huge and are very interesting to observe. Most of them are sleeping or chilling out, so they're not moving very often, but that makes it more interesting when you see them roaming around doing their own thing. Worth the price, and is so intriguing, highly recommended.

  • Manel Ben Fradj
    Manel Ben Fradj
    7 mesi fa

    Its very good place for families , you can enjoy the show of the reptiles, the staff was speaking in 3 languages Arabic , English and French explaining everything about the reptiles. I recommend this place to visit

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